Eddie Andrews is BAD for Iowa
Eddie claims to be moderate...
...but his views are anything but!
Extreme Eddie Andrews supports a FULL abortion ban with ZERO exceptions -
not even for rape or incest or fetal abnormalities, nor to save the life of the woman!
Iowans don't agree with Eddie's extreme views
57% of Iowans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Only 13% of Iowans agree with Eddie.
Watch Eddie admit he wants ZERO exceptions to a full abortion ban.
Eddie is okay with you or your wife or daughter dying from hemorrhaging or sepsis, instead of allowing doctors to make medical decisions.
Eddie Andrews wants to defund schools and send your taxpayer money to private schools
Eddie supports defunding public schools, hurting Iowa's kids
Only 2% of Iowa kids would benefit from the school voucher scheme.
What will happen to your business when Iowa's talent pool dries up, and employees are under-educated?
Eddie Andrew's extreme homophobia
Eddie is a PROUD anti-vaxer and science-denier!
Extreme Eddie Andrews even opposes polio and tetanus vaccines!
Eddie & Jake from Hate Farm with the Ankeny Qanon Moms
The one who was too busy to wash her child's face mask so she got impetigo, yet found the time to commit assault at 3am with her daughter.
But then again, criminals probably like to hang out together.
Extreme Eddie has no problem scamming Iowans
Eddie hosted a group of alternative medicine "doctors" that are now selling their prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine (proven ineffective against Covid) online if people join a club for annual fees.
Eddie Andrews wants ZERO restrictions on gun purchases.
Extreme Eddie Andrews has no problem with domestic abusers purchasing firearms.
The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%. Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime. Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner. 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon. (source)
Extreme Eddie Andrews voted to remove permitting requirements and background checks.
Iowa has the 37th-highest rate of gun suicides and gun suicide attempts in the US. Every year, an average of 58 people in Iowa die by gun homicides and 210 are wounded by gun assaults—a rate of 2.0 homicides and 6.7 assaults per 100,000 people. Iowa has the 41st-highest rate of gun homicides and gun assaults in the US. (source)
Eddie Andrews claims to be moderate and even had the nerve to attend Mom's Demand Action anti-gun rally after voting to remove restrictions on firearm purchases!
We must act now to stop his extreme views from hurting Iowa's future
Extreme Eddie Andrews proudly supports Johnston's right-wing student hate group.
Johnston school board members support forming Turning Point USA high school chapter; some parents concerned (DM Register)